lectronice ← before
2020-11 W46 → Tiredness and absurdity
I design video games for a living. On my free time, I am...
- Feeling generally down.
- Sticking to the Foundation Light workout program from Darebee. A bit too easy.
- Reading my friend Konstantinos Dimopoulos' Virtual Cities atlas, and greatly enjoying it.
- Poking at the OP-Z every time I find a few minutes, having fun, but no clear direction.
- Diving back into Auspex, adding tile modifiers to enemies.
- Finishing my first Old World playthrough. Like all 4X, mid to end game got boring.
- Being angry at the despairing mess of the human world.
- Contributing a micro game to the Micro Fiction Games Jam.
- Playing Undertale, at last. It's funny, weird, and touching.