lectronice ← before
2021-02 W5 → Exploring vast spaces
I design video games for a living. On my free time, I am...
- Fixing various things on this website, thinking how to improve it.
- Losing track of time when playing the Rav Vast. And making progress.
- Playing my own game Auspex, and getting my ass kicked.
- Starting to implement shield glyphs and mechanics in Auspex.
- Adding cblgh's Lieu search engine to the footer.
- Making this website more Lieu-compliant before tackling a big update.
- Acquiring a 20 kg kettlebell for my next workout program. Wish me luck.
- Reading the aptly named "Simple and Sinister", a kettlebell program by Pavel.
- Starting to play The Witcher 3, which so far looks way more engaging than Cyberpunk 2077.